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BUSY SUMMER - August 2021 Newsletter

Dear friends and family, The Lord is so faithful! We are encouraged! We had a blast hosting our first missions trip for the year!

Despite problems with their bus, they persevered and made it all of the way to Kentucky!

They crammed a 14 hour ride into 24!

Missions team from Dallas, TX

THANK YOU! Thank you Alive Church in Dallas, TX! Pastor Jared and his wife brought a great group of teens and church leaders to come and serve in Kentucky. They stayed at our ranch, and served doing remodeling at Freedom’s Way A/G with Pastor John Lear. They also did some outreaches with Soul’s Harbor A/G in Bardstown, Ky. They handed out over 600 invitations to church.

Pastor Jared and his wife ministering in Freedom's Way AG

We were so impressed by their commitment. Despite problems with their bus, they persevered and made it all of the way to Kentucky! They crammed a 14 hour ride into 24! We had so much fun serving with them! Pastor Lear and his wife Sherry did a great job making meals and taking care of the “Texas” team. Here are some pictures so you can see how special this missions trip was.

Hard at Work!

Texas teens inviting people to church!

▶ Multicultural Day:

Multicultural Day: This month we are hosting a Connection event with ethnic pastors in the state. We are expecting spanish and french speaking ministers. We want to introduce them to the Kentucky Ministry Network’s leadership, and to showcase the facilities and resources available for them. Please pray for the Multicultural Department to be able to better serve the broader body of Christ in the form of culturally diverse groups.

Our life in pictures:

Sharing together at the church-plant in Grayson, Ky.

Ministry planning meeting

Thank you One Bridge to Hope Recovery Center for volunteering to serve with our ministry! Here are some ladies stuffing envelopes with last month’s newsletter.



• Praise Report! Pastor Stephen Kai is doing much better! We spoke with him just this week.

• Please keep the upcoming Multicultural Connect Day in your prayers.

• Please continue to pray for the Bible Study in Grayson, we believe the Lord is bringing the right people at the right time to plant a Spanish Church.


Sincerely, Your Partners in Ministry,

Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez




I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now ... (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV)

Your partners in Ministry,

Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez

Mobile: 214-916-8476

US Missionaries - A/G US Missions - Account# 289113

"On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased." Psalm 138:3


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2016 by

Assemblies Of God

US Missionaries

Intercultural Department

Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez

3026 Old Elizabethtown RD

Hodgenville, KY 42748

Tel: 214-916-8476

Fabian Sanchez-Martinez

Account# 289113

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